Ch 9 – I is for Intentional Silence – Let Other People Do Most of the Talking

About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at

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Intentional Silence – How to Create a Home Environment That Fosters Personal Growth

Practicing Intentional Silence can help you to be more productive and less stressed. This chapter outlines ways to practice Intentional Silence and how you can implement it in your life. This chapter will help you create a home or work environment that fosters your own personal growth.

Intermittent silence

Intentional silence is a meditation technique in which people take a break from daily distractions. Intermittent silence can be beneficial for many reasons. In addition to enabling you to unplug, it allows you to practice nonverbal communication. When you experience moments of silence, you can see things clearly, reducing the possibility of making hasty judgments. It can also improve your resilience. You can use the opportunity to engage in conversations with yourself and others about your resilience.

Using intermittent silent meditation can improve your quality of life. It can help you deal with emotional storms, periods when you feel extremely negative emotions. Because it requires you to pay attention to your thoughts, it can help you develop strategies for handling intense emotions. However, you may have to try intermittent silence for a while before it takes hold of your life. Luckily, you don’t need to be a Zen master to reap its benefits.

The habit of silence is beneficial for both introverts and extroverts. The practice of intermittent silence requires only 10 minutes a day. This discipline opens doors that would otherwise remain closed. You can experiment with new ideas and practices while observing your own inner conversations. You can also develop your intuition and sense of self. Intentional silence is one of the most effective ways to cultivate this habit. And it doesn’t matter what your religious background is – it’s applicable to anyone.

Let Other People Do Most of the Talking

If you want to make others feel comfortable and appreciated in the company of others, let other people do most of the talking. Often, you may have to interrupt a person because they are talking or if you’re interrupted, you’ll seem to be taking up too much time. When you interrupt, the other person will feel that you’re more important than they are, and they will be less likely to want to spend the rest of the meeting listening to what they have to say. If you tend to be a fast thinker, force yourself to pause. Using a pause does not mean that you’re interrupting someone, but rather, it allows you to understand what they’re saying.


Effective listening begins with the ear and the brain centers associated with communication. It requires active attention and feedback to fully process the speaker’s message. Too often, we jump from hearing to understanding to responding without a clearer understanding of the content. This results in a truncated interpretation and evaluation of the speaker’s message. By putting yourself in their shoes, you can better understand and appreciate what they have to say.

Good listeners invite the other person to do the talking. When meeting someone for the first time, treat them as the most important person in the room. Take the time to learn about them and their interests. Don’t make assumptions. Always make eye contact and ask questions to clarify. Then, make sure you don’t miss any important information. Listening is a two-way street, so it’s crucial to avoid assumptions.

Effective listening involves maintaining silence when other people are speaking. Instead of interrupting, ask questions to ensure that you’re fully processing what the speaker is saying. When the speaker concludes, say something confirming the speaker’s words, or stating your disagreement. In addition, don’t be afraid to add your own thoughts. You don’t have to be the expert, but it does help to add your own perspective.

Body language

Using body language to communicate is not just about making eye contact. It’s about being aware of what other people are saying and responding to them with your body language. You’ve probably heard that body language makes a lot of difference in the way you communicate with people, but what is it exactly? Well, here are a few guidelines for communicating effectively in meetings:

Use your body to express your feelings. While words are an important part of communication, they can also be used to contradict each other. When you say something and your body language doesn’t match, it’s difficult for people to understand your message. Gritting your teeth and talking with your eyes closed are two of the most common examples of this. Using your body language to express your feelings is an excellent way to build stronger relationships.

When you want to indicate approval or yes, the most common gesture is the head nod. This gesture can be used in a variety of situations and can be as subtle as a simple head tilt. Head nods can be used to signal whether you approve or disapprove of a person, and can be done from either side. It’s also important to pay attention to the distance between the two of you, as your physical distance can give you clues about how the other person feels.


Interrupters interrupt others all the time. Oftentimes, it’s not that they’re intentionally trying to be disruptive, but they’re simply unable to listen. Some people interrupt to show their control or authority while others simply don’t have time to listen. No matter the reason, it’s always best to avoid interrupters and let others do the talking. Here are some strategies for dealing with interrupters.

The most common type of interruption is power interruption. The person interrupting you uses their voice to direct others’ attention to another topic. Their intent is often to gain attention and power by interrupting your speech. They are usually unintentionally condescending and don’t consider the person interrupting them as a partner or friend. If you’re the one being interrupted, you can change your communication style to avoid becoming an interloper.

Some people are born interrupters. This behavior can be attributed to cultural or family backgrounds. Others may simply be impatient and wish to take control of a conversation. Still others may be born with a tendency to interrupt. Some people think it’s funny or interesting to interrupt other people while they talk. Regardless of the cause, you’re likely to end up annoying others with your constant interruptions.

An effective way to deal with an interruption is to use reflective listening. You can also try to lower your voice to disarm the person who is interrupting you. You can even use your hand to signal to them that you’re going to finish speaking. This way, you’ll be able to make your point without being interrupted. If you’re not able to stop an interruption, you can simply go back to the main point.


While laughter may be a rare emotional vocalization, it is crucial to understand how it is generated. Laughter can help to deescalate negative experiences and play a key role in both short and long term affective states in relationships and interactions. Understanding the neural mechanisms that generate laughter can help to improve our understanding of human emotions and behavior.

Using humor is a social mechanism that helps us deal with difficult situations and maintain our resilience in life. We use laughter to hide our negative emotions, such as anger and fear, and make us feel better about ourselves. In fact, laughter is the most natural form of communication, a key factor in forming strong bonds with other people. In many cases, it is our own insecurity and inability to manage our emotions that trigger laughter.

When we laugh, our hearts and brains increase 10 to 20 percent, and our energy expenditure increases by about 10%. This increases our metabolic rate, so when we laugh for ten to fifteen minutes, we will burn as much as a packet of ready-salted crisps.

Open-ended questions

One of the biggest challenges facing sales teams is knowing when to follow up. Open-ended sales questions can help you gauge if you should schedule another chat or move forward. Asking questions like, “How did your team like our product?” or “When is the best time to meet again?” can also help you close more deals. Open-ended questions are the most effective way to gather information from your prospects and clients.

The best way to begin a conversation is by asking a question that evokes a response from the person answering it. An open-ended question allows the other person to talk for more than you expect them to. They might mention behaviors or feelings that you were unaware of. They might share their mental models, problem-solving strategies, hopes, and fears. These are all valuable information that you might not have otherwise learned about.

Closed-ended questions are used to establish credentials and customer loyalty, while open-ended questions allow the other person to do most of the talking. They’re a good choice when the other person wants to pull back the curtain on themselves. They’re also a good choice if you’re interested in finding out more about the other person. This way, you’ll have more time to explore different topics and get more information from the other person.

Common interests

It can be exhausting to ask people about their common interests, especially if you’re not sure if they’ll answer. However, you can learn about a person’s core values and personality by asking them about their common interests. In addition to letting others do most of the talking, common interests are a great way to socialize with other people and learn about their character. It can also lead to friendship or even love!

If you’re not sure whether you should ask someone about their favorite food or travel preferences, start by asking them about their favorite restaurants or foods. You’ll be surprised at what you find out. Besides, a common interest can tell you about someone’s background, education, and hobbies. You might find a perfect match just by talking about your common interests. In fact, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can find someone by asking them about their favorite things!

About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at

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