Chapter 50 – Strategies For Motivating Your Patients

About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at

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This chapter discusses strategies for motivating your patients. These include building rapport, using mirror neurons, and setting realistic goals. By following these tips, you can make your patients happier and more likely to comply with your orders. Use these methods to motivate your patients and keep them motivated and engaged throughout their recovery. They will thank you! Using motivational interviewing techniques and mirror neurons to engage your patients is an effective way to help them achieve their goals.

Motivational interviewing

The research to validate the effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing for patients focuses on two dimensions of change: confidence and self-efficacy. The former is a person’s belief that they are capable of changing their behavior. The latter is the belief that the person can achieve their goals. In general, motivational interviewing helps patients increase their confidence and self-efficacy. Patients can learn to express their own goals and why they need to make the change.

A recent meta-analysis of studies found that treatment outcomes after a brief motivational interview were statistically significant. Three of the studies examined different variables, including willingness to engage in treatment for substance use, referral to a specialist, and written summaries. Overall, these studies indicated a positive effect on patients’ attitudes and behavior. However, it is still unclear whether this type of intervention will increase patient commitment and success with change.

While addressing the patient’s reluctance to change, clinicians must consider the setting in which the patient lives. For example, a patient may attend an eating disorder clinic and eventually be admitted to a specialized hospital. The clinician should emphasize the patient’s values and identify obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals. In this way, a patient-centered approach can be successful. The clinician should be empathic to address patients’ ambivalence toward change and the fact that the change they seek is usually part of a better daily lifestyle.

Building rapport

Research shows that building rapport with patients is crucial for the healing process. According to a 2014 study published in PLOS Medicine, patients with a positive relationship with their healthcare providers provide better clinical information and are more likely to follow up. Besides, rapport can help reduce stress. Moreover, patients with a positive relationship with their healthcare providers are more likely to provide accurate and honest information. To create a positive rapport with patients, follow up with them regularly and listen to their concerns.

During difficult conversations, you should use measured voice and mirror your patient. If possible, maintain a friendly demeanor and use the right language. Make sure to communicate any changes in your patient’s ability to complete tasks and keep your word. When possible, practice all of these techniques. Pick ones that feel natural to you and practice them. After all, you are building rapport with your patients!

Rapport is commonly used in healthcare and is assumed to be a fundamental part of professional-patient relationships. While rapport is a general term, specific studies have attempted to define it more specifically in the health field. Many studies have also tried to define other complex terms used in healthcare such as person-centered care and resilience. But there is no consensus about its definition. For the purposes of this article, rapport has been defined as “a sense of trust and a shared understanding between a health care professional and a patient.”

Rapport is an important part of any healthcare relationship and should be cultivated in the early stages of patient-care encounters. Good rapport leads to positive patient outcomes, better adherence to treatments, and improved patient satisfaction. As a result, it is important to train healthcare professionals in interpersonal communication and to incorporate it into their daily practice. This article has been structured to analyze literature on these two concepts. It will be discussed further in future research on these topics.

Using mirror neurons

Mirror neurons are brain regions involved in the imitation of simple movements and learning complex skills. They also play a role in perception, communication, and theory of mind. Moreover, mirror neurons help us share our feelings and sensations. This understanding is beneficial for both patients and caregivers. Here are some tips on how to motivate your patients by using mirror neurons.

The connection between mirrored neuronal activity and empathy is an obvious advantage. When we see the emotions of others, we interpret them the same way. Our mirror neurons help us understand how others feel. The same emotion can cause different reactions from different people, which helps us understand how to respond to those emotions. Besides, mirror neurons are also helpful in motivational and empathy counseling. They can help your patients learn to interact better in social settings, even if they are struggling with mental health issues.

Research on mirror neurons began in the 1990s when scientists studied nonhuman primates. They found that when humans watched another primate grab an object, a certain part of their brain fired. These signals were similar to the actual action potentials. The results of this study suggest that mirror neurons can help motivate patients. This research has several benefits, and will continue to inspire more research in the field. So, don’t hesitate to use mirror neurons in your daily clinical practice.

A recent study has revealed the relationship between human motor and speech. Mirror neurons can help patients improve their motor skills by recognizing how they are responding to other people. The authors of this paper explain how mirror neurons are involved in motor and language processing. Their findings have implications for the treatment of a wide range of neurological disorders. They also provide arguments for and against the role of mirror neurons in speech perception. There is a strong connection between verbal speech and gesture-based language.

Setting realistic goals

To motivate patients to make positive changes in their life, set meaningful goals for them. Each patient is unique in their personality, life circumstances, and hopes for the future. Setting goals that are meaningful to your patient’s life is a collaborative effort that taps into the intrinsic drive that motivates them to change. The key is to set goals that your patients can actually achieve. To help them reach their goals, consider the following tips.

Choose an activity that patients can enjoy. If they hate physical activity, they are unlikely to stay consistent and may give up altogether. A patient can ask a colleague to join a walking club, or join a mall walking group. Parents can engage in physical activities with their children. By setting an example for them to follow, they can model a healthy lifestyle for their children. If you want to motivate your patients to be active, set goals that are achievable but stretchable.

Set meaningful goals for your patients. Patients should identify which behaviors they want to change and which ones they enjoy. It may also help to include emotional goals. If your patients have emotional problems, they might need to address them before setting goals. Likewise, patients should define why they want to change. If you help them create meaningful goals, they will feel motivated and be more likely to meet them. If they set goals that are not meaningful, they will be less likely to achieve them.

Write down your goals. Creating a written goal can help you remember the details of it. It will also help you stay motivated and focused. Setting goals is also an excellent way to boost your self-esteem. You can use the SMART method to set goals, a structured framework that includes letters and numbers related to the desired outcome. This framework will help you set realistic goals that are both attainable and achievable.

About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at

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