EMPATHIC Ninja – Chapter 4 – M is for Mental Health

About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at OasisNinja.com.

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Good mental health is a prerequisite to healthy social interactions. Many poor social relationships can be linked to poor mental health and vice versa. However, identifying this is key in improving how well you deal with others. The better your mental health is, the better your relationships will naturally become.

What is Good Mental Health?

In general, we can define what is good mental health as a feeling of well-being. Positive mental health is a feeling of confidence, self-acceptance, and life satisfaction. It can affect your relationships, your ability to make decisions, and other aspects of your life. Your perception of a situation can change due to a limited viewpoint or chemical/hormonal balance. When you have good mental health, you are able to make better choices and have a more enjoyable life.

Positive mental health

The notion of positive mental health is a moving target that encompasses a wide variety of concepts. The positive mental health scale was first defined by Jahoda in 1958 and comprises six pillars: self-awareness, acceptance of oneself, self-reliance, understanding one’s strengths, initiative, and self-esteem. In addition to these pillars, other concepts defining positive mental health include social integration, self-actualization, and environmental mastery.

Another component of positive mental health is autonomy, which is defined as an individual’s right to determine his or her own behavior. In other words, positive mental health involves the freedom to make personal choices and make informed decisions. The goal of positive mental health is to achieve optimal well-being, and behavior must be motivated by self-awareness. This is especially important in developing positive relationships with others. Those who practice self-awareness are more likely to engage in positive activities such as volunteering, seeking opportunities to contribute to the community, and achieving goals.

Self-compassion may also be a pillar of positive mental health. It enables adaptive emotion regulation during stressful experiences and protects the individual from the in-depth activation of psychopathological cognitive schema. This new study confirms the importance of focusing on positive mental health. Furthermore, it shows that self-compassion is a powerful resilience resource that functions as an adaptive emotion regulation strategy. We also need to understand how self-compassion protects against the negative relationship between positive mental health and psychopathology.


Self-acceptance is a key element of mental health. This state of being acknowledges your own complexity and abilities, while also acknowledging that you can make mistakes and achieve significant accomplishments. It also helps you not rate your own worth by other people’s standards, such as those of the society around you. Self-acceptance is a powerful tool in treating psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Learning to accept yourself is not an overnight process. It takes time, attention and perseverance.

While it may seem counter-intuitive, self-acceptance is essential to mental health. By confronting unpleasant feelings, we can learn to cope better with our problems. Our subconscious mind is trained to avoid unpleasant emotions, but this is only a short-term solution. Self-acceptance requires us to explore our feelings with cool detachment. Instead of avoiding them, we can learn to accept them as part of our humanness and our way to a better, happier life.

Lack of self-acceptance can develop as a result of negative childhood experiences that focus on the person rather than their actions. People with low self-acceptance may find it hard to speak about their mistakes and lack self-love. As a result, they may experience negative emotions, a lack of self-love and an overall negative outlook on life. People with low self-acceptance may feel unsure of their identity and are hypercritical of their mistakes.

Life satisfaction

In addition to a positive psychological state, life satisfaction is associated with greater physical and mental health. People with high life satisfaction report higher levels of performance and social relationships. Life satisfaction can be measured in many ways and can be based on various factors, such as economic materialism. People who are materialistic report lower life satisfaction than non-materialistic individuals. The best way to measure overall life satisfaction is to identify the factors that matter to you.


Confidence is a necessary aspect of good mental health. If you have low self-confidence, you may find it difficult to make decisions, meet people, and do new things. Low confidence also makes you avoid risk-taking activities, which can lead to negative cycles. Confident people are more likely to succeed and feel more happy in their lives. Besides, confident people feel more comfortable with criticism and feedback. Therefore, they don’t feel bad when someone points out their weaknesses. They are actively working to fix them.

The condition of your mind can change over time depending on your capacity to deal with life’s challenges. However, good mental health is a key factor in maintaining good physical and mental health. Self-confidence is an essential part of mental health. This article will explore the relationship between self-confidence and good mental health. Self-esteem refers to your opinion about yourself. It consists of four components: identity, competence, connectedness, and confidence.

Lack of confidence affects one’s ability to connect with others, and it is often the result of a negative perception of one’s abilities. Low self-esteem is caused by negative experiences and how others treat us. In addition to being surrounded by negative people, you may be in an environment that erodes your self-esteem and makes you feel inadequate. In these circumstances, doctors should be consulted to diagnose any mental health issues and to offer treatment options.


Psychologists often ask, is autonomy good for mental health? It is important to recognize that the term autonomy is more complicated than most people might think, and that it encompasses many different aspects. First, it can refer to a person’s ability to decide what to do for their own health. When it comes to severe mental illness, autonomous patients are expected to make their own decisions, manage pertinent information about treatment options, and evaluate the consequences of treatment.

There is an association between job autonomy and psychological well-being. Job autonomy may improve mental health in a variety of ways. Moreover, job autonomy and psychological well-being are positively related.

Job autonomy is a valuable resource that can help workers feel happy. However, the relationship between job autonomy and psychological well-being may be weaker at higher levels of autonomy. In addition, job autonomy may not be as significant in jobs with a tradition of delegating decision authority. Overall, job autonomy improves the quality of life across different types of work.

Life purpose

A sense of life purpose (defined as having a sense of direction and meaning) is linked to physical strength. The aging U.S. population is considered a major global public health issue, with almost one-third of individuals unable to walk three city blocks. This is a result of the growing importance of life purpose.

A high sense of purpose is associated with slower judgment of neutral and negative valence. This suggests that people who feel fulfilled by their life purpose are less likely to perceive negative pictures as threatening. Depressive symptoms are associated with decreased gray matter volume in the insula. Interestingly, life purpose is positively associated with right insular gray matter volume. This is why finding your life purpose is vital for good mental health.

People with a sense of purpose have better mental health and overall well-being. These people also report better cognitive functioning and a lower risk of heart attack and strokes. Additionally, they are more likely to engage in preventative health services and get better sleep. Therefore, a sense of purpose can benefit your health and help you achieve a higher level of happiness. However, it is not always easy to find a sense of purpose.


While you might have heard that relationships are good for your mental health, this is not always the case. Even the best relationships can have a few problems. Your partner might work night shifts and make finding housing difficult. Even the most romantic couples can get into arguments over the smallest of details. Compromise and open communication are important parts of a healthy relationship. But a partner with mental illness may not be as easily persuaded to compromise.

In addition to supporting each other’s efforts to improve their own mental health, healthy relationships also promote physical health. Healthy relationships are characterized by open communication, positive conflict resolution, and positive habits. Couples who share a commitment to healthy habits are less likely to engage in unhealthy activities, like alcohol and smoking. They also engage in physical activities together. In addition, healthy couples share a passion for healthy living and root for each other, which encourages them to improve their own well-being.

Being in a good committed relationship increases immune function and reduces cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Couples also tend to live longer and have fewer health problems than singles. In addition, the social support of a romantic partner can reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. In addition, just knowing that someone cares about you can boost your mental health. But there are some ways in which relationships can be bad for your mental health.

What is Bad Mental Health?

There are several factors that can affect your mental health. We’ll look at some of them, as well as their symptoms, treatment, and long-term effects. You’ll have a much better understanding of what bad mental health is and how to best manage it.


Bad mental health can be dangerous to your overall well-being. There are several common symptoms of bad mental health that can affect you. You may experience aggressive communication, restlessness, a lack of concentration, and suicidal thoughts. To improve your mental health, you should avoid social media and stay close to supportive friends and family members. Try to find something that makes you happy to read or write about. You might be able to find some inspiration by doing so.

Behavioral health disorders are serious and often affect a person’s ability to function properly. The symptoms of this condition may be difficult to identify, but many people experience them. The symptoms may include a reduced ability to focus, extreme feelings of guilt or shame, a decrease in energy levels, or a distorted perception of reality. The person may also experience difficulty completing daily tasks, change in school performance, or excessive worry.

Behavioral health disorders affect about 20 percent of the population and affect the way a person thinks, feels, and acts. They may make it impossible for the person to perform daily tasks, interact with others, or even think clearly. As a result, early identification and treatment of these disorders are essential to improving one’s quality of life and preventing them from becoming serious and limiting. It’s essential to consult a healthcare provider to determine whether a mental health disorder is the root cause of the condition.

The symptoms of mental illness can affect people of all ages, races, religions, and income levels. They are not the result of personal weakness, character, or upbringing. Most cases are treatable. Active participation in treatment plans helps most individuals suffering from serious mental illnesses experience relief from their symptoms. There are many types of treatment available for those with serious mental illness.

The early signs of mental health issues vary from person to person, depending on the type of disorder. They may affect an individual’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Early symptoms of mental illness can also manifest as physical ailments, such as aches in the back, stomach, or other types of pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, consult with your doctor as soon as possible. It may be the first sign of a more serious mental health disorder.


People with poor mental health can’t enjoy a fulfilling life and can be at risk for physical and social problems. This is why public health professionals work to promote healthy behaviors and develop effective interventions to help individuals fight mental illnesses. Moreover, the goals of public health include preventing disease, improving lifestyles, and detecting and responding to health problems. In addition, the field of mental health is becoming increasingly important given the prevalence of the condition.

The causes of mental illness vary among individuals. In general, mental illnesses are the result of a complex interaction of genes, environmental factors, social group, and life experiences. Those who have a family history of mental illness are at a greater risk of developing such illnesses. Biological factors, including illicit drug abuse, can also trigger psychosis and manic episodes. These factors are not entirely predictable, but they can be addressed.

Untreated mental illness can lead to inappropriate disability, substance abuse, homelessness, inappropriate incarceration, and suicide. In addition, it can result in a poor quality of life and an overall decreased quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for these disorders. About 70 percent of people with serious mental illnesses can reduce symptoms or improve their quality of life. But, despite these successes, the causes of bad mental health persist.

A good night’s sleep can help you cope with the day’s events. A bad day can leave us feeling drained and overwhelmed, so taking a nap can help us recover from those bad days. By sleeping for at least half an hour or so, we can be more productive the next day. But, even if we do manage to get a full night’s sleep, a short nap can give us the energy we need to face our problems.

People who have suffered a loss can experience problems with their moods. While some of these changes may be temporary, others can last for years. This makes it important to seek professional help if the problem persists and interferes with daily life. Sometimes, family members recognize these changes and may seek help. This is one of the most common causes of bad mental health, and there are various treatments for it.


Treatment for bad mental health may involve various methods, including therapy and medicines. Some people may need more intensive treatment, while others may simply need counseling and education on how to deal with their condition. For some people, psychiatric hospitals may be the best option. This type of care is necessary in severe cases, where the patient poses a risk to themselves and others. In these facilities, patients undergo a variety of activities and may engage in group discussions with other patients.

Mental illnesses can affect people of any age, race, income, or religion, and are not caused by personal weakness, character, or poor upbringing. Fortunately, most people can experience relief from the symptoms of these conditions with proper treatment. In fact, most serious cases of mental illness are treatable and reversible. However, not everyone can get help. This is because people with this disorder often have underlying medical conditions and have trouble dealing with life’s circumstances on their own.

There is no cure for depression, but treatment can help the person cope with their symptoms. A good mental state is essential to a fulfilling life, and this is why it’s important to find a solution for the underlying problem. Treatment for bad mental health can improve your life and reduce the risk of future disorders. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments for these conditions, and 70 to 90 percent of people improve their symptoms with the right treatment.

A doctor can diagnose a mental health disorder through a series of tests, including physical exams. Some doctors may also administer questionnaires to better understand your symptoms. Online mental health tests, on the other hand, don’t require a medical professional to administer them. They can provide insight, but they’re not as specific as a physical exam. Your primary care physician can also refer you to a mental health professional. You can also contact your local mental health organization for more information.

Some people are unable to deal with their bad mental health without medication. Medication may be prescribed in order to manage symptoms and get the person back to a normal life. Some medications increase the absorption of feel-good chemicals from the brain. Others increase overall levels of feel-good chemicals in the body. Various lifestyle changes may also be necessary. You should consult your physician or psychiatrist before beginning any new treatment plan. The aim of mental health treatment is to stabilize the condition and prevent it from recurring.

Long-term effects

Developing a poor mental state can have a negative impact on social and cognitive function, as well as your energy levels. Taking care of yourself is essential to maintain your overall well-being, but mental illness can make it difficult to achieve this. People with mental illness may not feel motivated to engage in healthy behaviors, such as exercising, so they may choose unhealthy habits, such as smoking and abusing substances. All of these actions can lead to poorer health outcomes.

Leaving untreated mental illness can result in unnecessary disability, substance abuse, homelessness, inappropriate incarceration, and suicide. It can also have an impact on a person’s self-esteem, and their relationships with other people. Despite these effects, there are effective treatments available to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. As a result, people with a mental health problem should consider seeking treatment as soon as possible.

Continuing unemployment and loss of income can negatively impact your long-term wellbeing. Numerous pre-Covid-19 studies have linked unemployment and income loss to increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts. Moreover, these effects are higher for people with low incomes. Even worse, these effects are cumulative. For instance, a person who has experienced a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, may experience increased anxiety or depression, which can lead to a poor mental state.

People who suffer from severe mental health conditions are at increased risk of extreme weather events, such as drought. The effects of extreme heat are particularly severe for people with a mental illness. Furthermore, psychiatric medications may interfere with their ability to regulate heat, making them unaware that their body temperature is rising. Additionally, those with mental illness are more likely to be poor, and their lives are dependent on infrastructure, medications, and service chains.

In addition to natural disasters, a recent pandemic has led to a decrease in the number of people with a stable job. This has caused more stress and created barriers for people with mental illnesses. A recent study showed that a higher percentage of young adults reported depressive or anxiety symptoms than their older counterparts. Moreover, they were more likely to report using substances, and many reported suicidal thoughts. These factors are not surprising, given that they were already at high risk for mental illness and were not receiving treatment. Having good mental health is important to maintaining good social relationships.

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About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at OasisNinja.com.

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