About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. He also writes books about how to live a good life and how to improve yourself on a daily basis such as Self Help Transformation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Personal Transformation for Mental Health, Physical Fitness, Relationships, and Career. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at OasisNinja.com.
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When caring for a patient, hand hygiene is critical to the prevention of infection. You will learn about the benefits and best practices of the bag technique, including how to implement it in a home health setting.
Choosing a nursing bag
While home health nurses carry large amounts of supplies during the day, nurses working in acute care settings may need only a penlight and stethoscope. Other supplies may be available in the facility. In either case, choosing a nursing bag with sufficient compartments is important. The following are some things to look for in a nursing bag:
– Designed with several compartments, a home health nurse’s bag should be easy to carry and has separate clean and dirty compartments. It should also be waterproof and sturdy enough to hold all the supplies a nurse needs for a single visit. The interior of a home health nurse’s bag should include mesh storage pouches and a lockable HIPAA-compliant folder.
– Large compartments: When choosing a nursing bag, make sure the compartments are large enough to fit the tools a nurse will use in a single visit. A canvas bag with plenty of pockets is ideal for travel and can accommodate a small notebook and several medical instruments. A bag with a large interior will be more convenient when you need to bring a laptop or other electronic devices. – A large size will be comfortable for carrying.
– Fabric: When selecting a nursing bag, consider the fabric. Some nursing bags are made from tough cloth. However, it’s important to keep in mind that fabrics cannot be thoroughly disinfected. A nursing bag made of vinyl or leather is a great choice if you need a durable bag. Make sure to research the brand of nursing bags so you can find a nursing bag that suits your needs.
– Comfort and storage: Depending on your needs, the size of your work bag should be an important consideration. If you need a lot of storage, choose a nursing bag with plenty of compartments and easy-to-clean materials. If it doesn’t have enough compartments, consider purchasing a travel organizer bag. These will keep your gear organized and easily accessible. Once you’ve found a nursing bag that meets all your requirements, your home health nurse will thank you for it for years to come.
Cleaning the outside regularly
A nurse should clean the outside of their home healthcare bag at least weekly. This requires using disinfectant wipes or hand washing every month. Depending on the type of bag, some may be hand washable while others require a disinfectant spray. If there are electronic items in the bag, they should be disinfected at least monthly. The staff should use their best judgment when selecting a place to work. The room should be clean, well lit, low traffic, and free from any pets.
Nurses should never leave their bags in the front seat of a vehicle to avoid spreading pathogens. Cleaning the outside regularly of nursing bags will reduce the risk of spreading illness to patients. In addition, if the bags are visible, nurses should disinfect them immediately. A clean nursing bag will make the job easier for them. Cleaning the outside of your bag will keep your supplies and patient belongings safe from contamination.
Never put your bag on the floor while inside the patient’s home while performing care. You can kindly ask the patient or their family where you can safely place your bag, either or a chair or table. While placing your bag in your car, you should have a special container just for your bag that keeps it separate from other items in your car.
Cleaning the inside of the bag
The proper method of cleaning the inside of the bag for home health nurses is crucial to prevent the spread of bacteria and other contagious agents. When you’re transporting patient equipment and supplies, you must clean your bag after using it. You need to keep your bag as sterile as possible. Your patients’ health depends on it! Clean your bag and all of your equipment frequently, and you’ll be more likely to provide excellent care.
First, clean the reusable items in your home health nurse’s bag after using them. These items should be cleaned after every patient and disinfected before repackaging. Many nurses do this once a week, but some even clean it every month or so. If you notice that your bag is visibly soiled, you should clean it immediately. You can also reuse the bag’s contents for another patient.
After each visit, you should wipe the inside of your home health nurse’s supply bag. Disinfectant wipes kill bacteria and viruses and can help prevent the spread of germs. You should also allow the disinfectant to sit on the bag for at least 15 minutes. Then, remove the bag from the patient’s home health nurse’s bag and store it in a clean area of the car.
To clean the inside of the bag, place the flap of the clinician’s bag away from the floor of the patient’s home. A hanger or doorknob is a convenient place to hang the bag. The bag should remain closed while the clinician is not actively obtaining items. Do not load it too heavily as it may tip over. In addition to this, make sure to clean the outside of the bag frequently. If it’s visibly dirty, you can wipe it off with a damp towel.
The healthcare bag should be cleaned weekly or at least once a month. This includes disinfecting it with Sani-Cloth and hand washing it with antibacterial solution. Keeping the bag clean is important for the health of the patient and the health of the home. To keep your bag safe, you must keep it near a clean place. You should avoid using the same place for many visits and use a designated corner in your work area to store the bag.
It is imperative that the nursing bag is properly disinfected and cleaned. The presence of human pathogens in the bag should not be a surprise. It has been proven that 48 percent of nursing bags contain infectious agents. In order to avoid contamination of the nursing bag, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before starting the cleaning process.
Avoiding putting dirty things in your bag
A nurse’s bag serves as a portable hospital supply room, holding all of the supplies needed to care for a patient. Because it is likely to become dirty, nurses must be extra careful when they pack their bag. The inside of the bag should be as clean as possible, and only items that are clean and sanitary should be placed in it. Avoid placing dirty items in your bag, and always ask for permission to use the patient’s space before opening it.
After a client’s care, you should disinfect any items that might have gotten soiled. You can disinfect these items by using 70 percent isopropyl alcohol or an EPA-registered germicidal wipe. Then, place these items in a clean plastic bag and place them back into your bag. You should not put dirty items into your bag, such as a sharps container. Disinfecting items before you return them to the bag is critical for maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
Using a blood pressure cuff
One way to make the BP-measuring process more convenient for patients is to use a bag with a cuff that is inflatable. Inflatable cuffs can be placed on an upper arm about 2 inches above the elbow. The arrow of the cuff should line up with the brachial artery. The patient should stand upright for a minute before you begin the measurement.
To check the BP-measuring device, inflate the cuff until it reaches a level of 130 mmHg. Turn the bulb counterclockwise until the needle drops by two mmHg per second. If the BP-measuring device registers the first sound, the reading is systolic. If it does not drop within that range, the BP-measuring device is ineffective and inaccurate.
The blood pressure-measuring device must be used as part of the home health nurse’s home-care service. It must be used by a trained professional who has received adequate training in blood pressure-measuring devices. This technique is often used in home care situations where a nurse is on call 24/7. However, there are several guidelines that home health nurses should follow to ensure the safety of the equipment.
While the sphygmomanometer is a staple of basic medical visits, it can also be personalized. A thermometer is another necessary tool for home care visits. A thermometer should be sanitized after use. You can also customize the thermometer for each patient. But remember to take the plastic bag off each time. This way, you will avoid contamination.
Using a stethoscope to listen to the heart
Using a stethoscope can be helpful for home health nurses who provide reassurance to patients. The instrument is a stethoscope with earpieces that fit into the ears comfortably. Using too-tight earpieces can reduce the quality of sound. Keep the tubing short to reduce background noise. The chest piece should be placed on the part of the body being auscultated. Depending on the patient’s age, the stethoscope may feature a diaphragm or bell.
A nurse’s job is to monitor vital body sounds and alert a doctor to changes. A nurse’s job may involve monitoring blood pressure and heartbeat to detect abnormalities or illnesses. A nurse is not trained to diagnose diseases or prescribe treatment, but she must listen to vital signs of health. The stethoscope provides home health nurses with a valuable tool to help patients stay healthy.
Auscultation is an excellent way to detect certain diseases. However, it should only be performed by trained medical professionals. Because it is complex and requires special training, an untrained ear cannot differentiate between healthy and unhealthy sounds. A trained ear can distinguish between healthy and abnormal sounds, but an amateur stethoscope is ineffective in this situation. When using a stethoscope to listen to the heart for home health nurses, you should follow the advice of a qualified medical professional.
Using a stethoscope is an excellent way to hear the heart sounds. A stethoscope should be held between your pointing finger and your middle finger. When using a stethoscope, be sure to select a high-quality stethoscope to prevent any damage to the device. Additionally, make sure that the tubing is free of leaks.
Using hand sanitizer
Using hand sanitizer is an important part of the “Bag Technique,” which helps prevent the spread of microorganisms from person to person. Although nurses are responsible for washing their hands multiple times per day, the technique must be applied properly to avoid spreading germs. A nurse should also use lotion to keep skin moist and hydrated. Nurses should also carry a notebook with them for taking notes from doctors and observing patients. In addition to a notebook, a nurse may also carry her drug handbook and intravenous medications, a pair of scissors, penlight, a 4 in 1 pen, a towel, a tape measure, and a homemade cheat sheet for patients.
A good bag technique for a home health nurse should include the following information: the purpose of the visit, the type of therapy, and any necessary items. In addition to the bag’s contents, home health nurses should also include information about the visit, including the type of hand sanitizer used, any equipment used, and hand hygiene. Sanitizing the hands of home health nurses is an important part of infection management, so it is advisable to follow infection management guidelines and discuss the practice with an infectious disease expert.
Home health nurses should also remember that they should wash their hands before and after touching a patient. A nursing bag should be clean and free from signs of wear and tear. If it is in poor condition, consider purchasing a new bag. Using hand sanitizer as a bag technique can help prevent bag malfunctions, such as when the nursing bag breaks apart during a visit.
Disinfecting items before returning to the bag
After caring for a patient, a nurse should always disinfect supplies in their nursing bag before returning them. To disinfect items, they should use 70 percent isopropyl alcohol or an Environmental Protection Agency-registered germicidal wipe. Once disinfected, they should dry on a barrier and place them back in their bag. Disinfecting items before returning them to the bag for home health nurses should be done at least monthly, but preferably daily.
After returning to a patient’s home, the home health nurse should make sure to dispose of items properly. Disinfecting reusable items before returning them to a bag is especially important when they have come into contact with infected patients with antibiotic-resistant infections. They should also double bag reusable items to prevent a cross-contamination problem. When repacking a bag, clinicians should remember to disinfect items with Sani-Cloth or alcohol, or use a paper towel.
Afterwards, the home health nurse should wipe down the interior of the nursing bag with disinfectant wipes. If the bag is not clean, it may be dirty or stained. They should replace it with a new one if they get soiled. After disinfecting the inside of the bag, nurses should wipe the contents with a disinfectant wipe to remove germs and dirt. After wiping down the interior of the bag, the nurse should allow the wipe to dry for a full minute.
Using disposable medical equipment is recommended and if a home health nurse is worried about a patient’s health, they should contact the local health department for further surveillance and management guidelines. Disinfecting items before returning to the bag for home health nurses should be done once or twice daily. Also, caregivers should keep items they don’t need in the bag out of the way, such as a towel or a tissue.
Careful preparation of the bag is essential for the safety of a home health nurse. A clean and fully stocked bag is essential for preventing cross-contamination and protecting the patients. A home health nurse’s bag should also include a tourniquet and a sharps container. These two tools are vital and should be kept separate from the rest of the bag. You can also carry the sharps container in a separate pocket.
About the Author:
Mark Aquino is a registered nurse in California with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Masters of Health Administration from West Coast University. He has at least 5 years of experience in the front lines as a visiting nurse in home health and hospice in direct patient care. He is author of OASIS NINJA: A Home Health Nurse’s Guide to Visits, Documentation, and Positive Patient Outcomes. This guide provides nurses with the information they need to provide quality care to their patients in the comfort of their own homes. He also writes books about how to live a good life and how to improve yourself on a daily basis such as Self Help Transformation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Personal Transformation for Mental Health, Physical Fitness, Relationships, and Career. You can also find all his books here. Learn more at OasisNinja.com.
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